Filming Tonight Alive.jpg
Filming We Gave It Hell.jpg

Hi, I'm Roger Decastro. I've started ScreamRockMosh, when I was just a sophomore at Spring Valley High School. My best friend "Jon" wanted to start up music, and told me that I should pick up an instrument. Instead I picked up a Sony Cyber Digital Still Camera. As he started with his death metal band "Crucify the Enslaved", I pursue ScreamRockMosh. Staying with his band for a year until I met A Minute Before Dawn and Ones Beauty Defined is where I started expanding and working with more bands in the Las Vegas Music Scene. I currently have worked with 112 bands. I use to do performance photography, and currently does cinematography work. I do a variety type of cinematography, but I am mostly focus on filming bands live. I’m independent with ScreamRockMosh. Before I started, It was ideal to do this with people. Since I didn't have anyone else to come with me in this journey, I have accomplished a lot all by myself.


As ScreamRockMosh turned 3 years old, I got an "Outstanding Business Student". This award was given to me at Senior Awards Night by the business department of Spring Valley High School. This award was based on the foundation of me conducting business as ScreamRockMosh mostly all throughout high school.


Paramore is my #1 favorite band. They’re the band I care for the most aside from the bands that I work with. That the very first time I saw them LIVE! at The Joint in Hard Rock Hotel and Casino. I got to be on stage with the band with their song off their Self-Titled LP, Anklebiters! It is the best concert experience I ever had that made my life all thanks to Hayley Williams. Then about 3 years later, I got see Josh Farro new project being called “FARRO” at the Beauty Bar. He’s the main reason why Paramore is my most favorite band aside from Hayley’s lyrics and incredible range as a singer. As from Paramore making my life, FARRO is the most interactive experience I had talking with him more than Hayley as for performing with her on stage!


I’m very supportive to the Las Vegas Music Scene as I do work. All the bands that have done official work with me have my support. I have invested 10 years into ScreamRockMosh that as I’m running with my 13th year. I will still be supportive and put up more work as their ready with the up most excellent quality to be viewed upon the public.

Educational Background:

I attended Spring Valley High School all four years. I’ve Taken Broadcasting and Video Production and Photography II my junior year. Photography III, Personal Finance, and Principals of Business and Marketing my senior year. Since I started ScreamRockMosh my sophomore year. I thought myself how to do photography and cinematography before taking the classes. I took these classes to keep me in check with understanding the things I needed to know doing my line of work throughout high school. As for my award at Senior Awards Night, I graduated with just a standard Diploma.

My New Top 10 All Time Favorite Musicians:

1. Paramore (FARRO, HALFNOISE, and Hayley Williams)

2. K.Flay

3. Blessthefall


5. Tonight Alive

6. Big Chocolate


8. Eminem

9. Alison Wonderland

10. Lily Allen
